LocalBini AG is registered in the trade register in Switzerland under registration number 241.752.481.
Material on this website is the ownership of LocalBini AG. The publication, copying whole or in part or us, or dissemination in any other way of the information presented on the www.localbini.com is prohibited. LocalBini AG does neither accept any responsibility and/or liability for the improper and incomplete transmission of the information contained in this communication, nor for any delay in its receipt.
LocalBini AG collects personally identifiable information from website visitors only when it is voluntarily provided (name, email address and location). LocalBini AG will not otherwise collect this information from you on our website. Personal data is collected on this website only to the extent required by the technology and for the purpose of our newsletter and communication in view of professional relationships. Under no circumstances is the collected data sold or passed on to third-parties for any other reason.
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